10 Best Houseplants That Will Thrive in Your Kitchen

Houseplants That Will Thrive in Your Kitchen

Placing houseplants can quickly improve any room in the house. Bringing indoor plants is an excellent way to appeal to any environment while showing your personality. But what about the heart of your home, the kitchen? The kitchen is the center of every home. Flowers thrive in the kitchen because they receive enough light and airflow, and you’re less likely to forget to water them.

Placing plants in your kitchen and home decor is a fantastic way to offer them a second opportunity while adding flair to your place. To improve the look of your kitchen, consider using them instead of simple pottery jars and wooden signs. Many people enjoy having plants in their homes, but there are better areas for them, so be specific about which ones you choose. Let’s explore the top 10 houseplants for your kitchen.

10 Best Plants for Kitchen

1. Chinese Evergreen

The Aglaonema plant is lovely, long, nearly silvery leaves distinguish it as a Chinese annual. It doesn’t mind dim light as long as the dirt stays moist.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

Chinese evergreens can thrive even in areas with no windows or natural light. Don’t worry if your kitchen needs a little window. Keep your cats and dogs separate at all times for their safety.

2. Pothos

The pothos plant is easy to care for and requires little effort, making it an excellent choice if you’ve never had a houseplant before or want something basic. It can be used as a decorative accent plant kitchen on a shelf or cupboard. Furthermore, you can choose from various options that require little care.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

Because they were designed to hang from cupboards and shelves, these kitchen plants are an excellent way to add green to any room.

3. ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant can endure protracted droughts and heavy rains because it is accustomed to harsh conditions. This plant is ideal for your house because it requires little care. Furthermore, this plant’s metallic finish will give your kitechn a surprising pop of colour.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

Because ZZ plants are so resilient and versatile, they can tackle any culinary chore. Placing them somewhere shady will also help purify the air. You can set your plants on the floor or the kitchen table, regardless of their size. People and animals can become sick from them, so keep them out of reach.

4. Peace Lily

One of the most common flowers, the peace lily, or Spathiphyllum spp., can thrive in low-light conditions. According to Clemson Cooperative Extension, these traditional and attractive flowers are simple to grow inside and produce exquisite white petals that smell wonderful in the spring.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

Peace lilies thrive in the kitchen because of their high humidity tolerance and capacity to clear the air. They require little care and are difficult to get rid of. Keeping a potted plant on the kitchen table is a good idea, especially if you have children or dogs, because the leaves are toxic if consumed.

5. Snake Plant

If you want a plant that is easy to care for, select a Snake plant. It will perform well in the kitchen. Aside from being simple to care for, they bring color and vibrancy to any kitchen shelf, corner, or worktop. Another advantage is that they are available in various styles, allowing any kitchen to find something that works.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

If you are always on the go or don’t have time to care for your kitchen, you don’t need a plant that requires continual attention. It will take up little space because it’s longer than wide. Please place it in a corner and water it once weekly or monthly, depending on how dry the soil becomes.

6. Heartleaf Philodendron

The heartleaf philodendron is excellent for bringing greenery into your kitchen. It merely requires potting soil that drains well and a sunny window sill. According to the Missouri Botanical Garden, this philodendron species makes an excellent decorative item due to its lovely creeping habit, which allows it to attach to walls and posts.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

Logee claims that coffee beans are derived from the Coffea arabica plant. You will likely be unable to grow beans from a single plant rather than purchasing them. However, when the coffee plant is in bloom, it produces white flowers, crimson berries, and fragrant foliage. This makes it an enjoyable plant to care for. It will work if you place it somewhere sunny, near a kitchen window.

7. Coffee Plant

Coffee plants thrive in warm, moist environments, so they thrive in kitchens. Aside from that, they thrive in shadow and require little light. Anyone or anything that comes into contact with the leaves may become ill, so keep them away from drafts.

Why it’s great for kitchens

Coffee plants thrive in warm, moist environments, so they thrive in kitchens. Aside from that, they thrive in shadow and require little light. Anyone or anything that comes into contact with the leaves may become ill, so keep them away from drafts.

8. English Ivy

This plant can tolerate lower light levels but thrives in mild light. You can use English ivy to build a hedge, hang a basket, or plant in a pot. Allow it to dry out before watering.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

English ivy is an excellent technique to purify the air since it reduces indoor air pollutants such as mould, bacteria, formaldehyde, and benzene. Make certain that none of your four-legged friends touch this man.

9. Aloe Vera

The aloe vera plant, sometimes known as a “green first aid kit,” is an important houseplant that may provide a natural touch to any kitchen. The prickly stems contain a calming gel that can be applied to minor wounds and burns. It looks great and helps you avoid frequent cooking blunders. This low-maintenance succulent will thrive with minimal water if placed somewhere warm and sunny, such as on a shelf or wall.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

It should be near the stove so you can be prepared the next time you burn yourself in the kitchen. Cut a bottom leaf in half lengthwise to access the gel-filled interior, remove any spines along the edge, and score it. Applying the gel to the burn and rubbing it in will immediately make it feel cooler.

10. Spider Plant

It has tall, arching leaves that might be solid or multicoloured. The plant produces new plants at the ends of its long stems, which makes it ideal for tall containers or hanging baskets. They thrive in well-drained water with bright, indirect light. Spider plants will lose their leaves, and their tips will turn brown if they do not receive adequate water.

Why it’s best for the kitchen?

Spider plants are excellent natural air purifiers since they absorb gases, bacteria, and unpleasant odours.


Each of these plants gives a distinct preference and set of benefits to the kitchen, ranging from improving appearance to cleansing the air to giving fresh ingredients for cooking activities. Adding plants that thrive in your kitchen’s sunlight, space, and maintenance requirements will transform it into a green oasis where plants flourish, and pleasant fragrances fill the air. We researched and compiled a list of the ten finest houseplants for kitchens.

If you take the time to select the best houseplants for your kitchen, you will end up with a stunning and well-designed arrangement that will impress you.

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